Breast Augmentation

Dr. Scott Sattler has been performing cosmetic breast augmentation surgery in his Seattle area cosmetic surgery practice for years. Patients from around the Washington, Oregon and Canada regions have relied on Dr. Sattler to help them achieve beautiful, consistent and safe cosmetic breast implant results. 

What's new in Cosmetic Breast Implant Surgery ?

In 2024, the selection of implants has drastically reduced. A few types of textured implants have been pulled off of the US market, and very few experienced plastic surgeons are using them. The Ideal muti-chambered saline implant was also pulled off of the market, and then the complany was purchased by a larger medical device company. I am back to using smooth round cohesive silicone implants from Allergan for 100% of my patients. Occasionally, a patient will ask for a saline breast implant, but we are left with the single chamber saline implants from Allergan and Mentor. Some thinner patients have visible implant wrinkling and folds with larger volume saline implants.


Before and After breast augmentation with smooth, round silicone implants in sub-muscular position via an infra-mammary incision. 

A video discussion about Breast Implant Surgery with Sound Plastic Surgery

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery like ?

Dr. Sattler performs all cosmetic breast augmentation procedures in accredited operating room facilities. The breast augmentation operation can be done either under a general anesthetic. The operation can be accomplished very efficiently during a general anesthetic, usually in less than one hour. Recovery is rapid, especially when patients are premedicated with Tylenol and Celebrex prior to surgery. Your anesthesia provider will discuss these options with you prior to surgery. Breast augmentation surgery is performed in our on-site, private Ambulatory Surgery Facility at Sound Plastic Surgery in Seattle.

At the conclusion of your breast augmentation surgery you are placed in a soft supportive bra. Prior to your discharge from our facility, you and your caregiver will be given detailed instructions about your post-surgical care and post-operative appointment. Dr. Sattler will call you the night of your surgery to check in on you, and you'll have his personal cell phone number for any questions. Jasmine, our Medical Assistant, check on our breast augmentation patients by phone the next day. You'll see Dr. Sattler about a week after your surgery to check on your healing progress.

What should I expect during the recovery process ?

The first 2-5 days following your breast augmentation surgery you may feel stiff and sore in the chest region. Your breasts may feel tight and sensitive to the touch, and your skin may feel warm or itchy. You may experience difficulty raising your arms. You may begin light exercise as soon as you feel ready.  Most residual swelling will resolve within a month.

While it will take several days to return to more normal activities after your breast augmentation, it is important to your recovery that you get up and move around. After breast augmentation, it is often possible to return to work within just a few days or a week, depending on the type of activities that are required at your job.

How much does Breast Augmentation Surgery cost ?

The cost for breast implant surgery with Dr. Sattler in our Seattle area clinic and operating room facility is based on several factors, including which implant you choose to use for your surgery.  Breast implant financing is available through PatientFi. The cost for breast augmentation surgery is all inclusive and includes the following.

  • Surgeon's Fee
  • Facility Fee
  • Anesthesia Fee
  • Implant Fee
  • Surgical Garment Fee
  • All post op care with Dr. Sattler

Click to apply for a PatientFi full procedure loan or call the office 206-729-2248 for more information.

Click here to view breast augmentation gallery

Click here for hundreds of breast augmentation before and after photos from Sound Plastic Surgery



Take The Next Step With Breast Augmentation

Call us today at 206.729.2248 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Sattler.

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Scott Sattler, MD FACS

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