There are a variety of reasons why patients whom have had previous cosmetic breast surgery may wish to have their breast look revised. Some patients desire replacement of existing breast implants with the newest shaped and form stable silicone implants. Other patients may be experiencing changes in the position, projection and consistency of their existing breast implants. Fewer patients experience substantial problems with their breast implants, including implant rupture, implant leak, capsular contracture, bottoming out, double-bubble problems, or symmastia.

Modern silicone breast implants from Allergan and Mentor  are available for cosmetic breast surgery. Many women want their 'old' implants exchanged for newer generation silicone implants, which have improved shape and tactile qualities. New implants can be replaced through existing surgical scars in most cases. Implant replacement typically has a very short recovery after surgery.

For women that are experiencing problems with their implants, including implant leak or rupture, capsular contracture or pain related to breast bottoming implants the solution is generally to remove the existing implants, remove all scar tissue associated with the implant itself (the implant capsule) and replace the implant with a modern silicone implant. Sometimes the tissue plane that the existing implant occupies needs to be changed to the implants position to optimize the cosmetic and functional result.

For women with implant related problems like symmastia, sub-muscular out, double bubble issues and excessive implant lateralization, the solution is usually more complex than simply replacing the breast implants. Often times, in these complex breast surgery revision cases, biomaterials like Strattice or Seri have to be used to create an internal brassiere to improve implant support and optimize implant positioning. The complex revisionary procedures often take a longer time to perform in the operating room, and post operative recovery is generally longer in these cases. 


Before and after symmastia correction surgery using Strattice by Dr. Scott Sattler

types of cosmetic breast augmention revision surgery 

  • Replacement of leaking saline implants
  • Replacement of silicone implants for form stable Allergan 410 and Sientra shaped implants
  • Removal of breast implants
  • Removal of breast implant capsular contracture
  • Fat transfer to improve implant wrinkling and breast size or shape
  • Improvement of breast implant position with Strattice and Alloderm biomaterials
  • Treatment of breast implants that have sagged or bottomed out
  • Treatment of breast implants that have wrinkled or become firm
  • Breast lift or mastopexy surgery for sagging breast tissue and nipple position

Dr. Sattler has close to 20 years of breast surgery experience and has treated the full spectrum of breast implant related problems. All breast augmentation revision surgery is done in our private surgical facility at Sound Plastic Surgery to maximize patient comfort and safety.

Please have your implant information and past medical records in hand when you meet Dr. Sattler. His staff is happy to process any Mentor, Allergan, Sientra or Ideal breast implant warranty paperwork to see if your surgery is partially covered by a manufacturer’s warranty.


The cost for breast implant revisonary surgery with Dr. Sattler in our Seattle clinic and operating room facility is based on several factors unique to each patient. An in-person consultation with Dr. Sattler is essential to get an accurate diagnosis and discuss the sequence of surgical options.  Breast surgery financing is available through PatientFi. The cost for breast implant revision surgery is all inclusive and includes the following.

  • Surgeon's Fee
  • Facility Fee
  • Anesthesia Fee
  • Surgical Garment Fee
  • Implant Fee
  • All post op care with Dr. Sattler

Click to apply for a PatientFi full procedure loan or call the office 206-729-2248 for more information.

Click here to view Dr. Sattler's breast implant revision surgery gallery

Click here for more breast implant revision surgery before and after photos from Sound Plastic Surgery


Take The Next Step With Breast Implant Revision

Call us today at 206.729.2248 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Sattler.

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Scott Sattler, MD FACS

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